Hate me, Hate me, Make me Your Worst Enemy!

2 min readDec 4, 2023

Doesn’t that sound evil? Is it, however, is it horrible to be disrespectful to those around you who do not respect your presence? Putting yourself first, before their needs and demands, when you can’t perform the very minimum of what the bond requires — after all, isn’t that what keeps the two individuals together? Or should I say be the cold-hearted person in their presence because they only remember you when they need you and justify your presence when you reject their needs?

How wonderful does that sound? Do you know how horrible things were when you were just being with the other person and there was no sense of a mutual exchange of efforts?

Photo by Abbat on Unsplash

You will have to let them go eventually, so why wait for someone for nothing when you can already see that the bond you have with the person is lowering your value? So dump it now and be the bad guy; let them despise you. After all, the only thing you said was, “No, I won’t be able to help you with it.

Was it all worthwhile? So, why not be the evil person in someone else’s life? So please allow yourself to take a step forward toward your goals while pulling yourself away from the other person because it never meant anything to them.

But in the end, you put the bond forth and sacrificed your self-esteem, happiness wants, and all you cared about because you pushed everything aside for that bond, and now it’s gone.

What effect does it have on you? vulnerable? broken? depressed? sad?
I’ll give you one word: “coward.” You were afraid because everything you felt was due to their presence; you were reliant on their feelings every day, and now they’re gone — you’re weak!

It hurts you deeply; you want to reject the entire truth since you were living a falsehood and expecting a fantasy of happiness that never existed in the first place. Take a look at yourself and realize what you’ve become.

Tell me, is being the bad person in someone else’s life truly awful? Prioritize yourself over other people. If someone is worth it, you won’t need to put them to the test because they will demonstrate their worth to you via their actions.

Have a wonderful day and take care of yourself. I appreciate you reading my blog and giving up some of your valuable time.




Unnecessary thoughts that appear in overthinking often turn around being the reality, so be ready for the surprise. Thank you for reading, Have a good day.